Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sickness and Frozen Yogurt (not related)...

I apologize for my absence from posting recently, I've been rather busy at work and, what with two jobs, rather busy outside of work attempting to find sanity and have a normal life (not as easy as it sounds). And during my 2 day hiatus I've been in the process of getting sick...yet again. Nothing says summer like a head cold, don't ya know!? So, as of late, my main focus has been trying to stay awake. Even when I don't have any drugs (the over-the-counter kind) in my system my head still wants to slam onto the desk and drift into unconsciousness. I just don't get it!

On the plus side, I got free frozen yogurt last night, which is always good! There's this awesome little frozen yogurt chain in Cincinnati (and now Columbus) called Yagoot, and I just love it!
Yagoot frozen yogurt is tasty and 99% fat free! Added bonus, they've got a great selection of fresh fruits (about nine types) and different toppings (cap'n crunch, vanilla wafers, chocolate chips, yogurt chips, granola, etc.) that you can get loaded on top! And the fact that they're super generous with their toppings makes it even better. But the most awesome thing about Yagoot is that if you sign up for their special offers and promotions (at the bottom of this page) they'll email you with a certificate for a free small yogurt with one topping every time they have a new flavor come out (which is about 2 or 3 times a year)! It's a pretty sweet deal (hahaha, get it!?).

Anyway...last night they reintroduced their mango frozen yogurt (pictured above, courtesy of Yagoot), which they'll feature throughout the summer, and Antoine and I headed over to Rookwood for our free frozen yogurt. It was crazy busy, but we expected that! But the girls at Yagoot can hold their own and the line went fairly quickly! Antoine went first and got his small mango yogurt with strawberries on top. I opted to pay an extra $.50 so I could have two toppings...strawberry and vanilla wafers (delicious).

The mango is probably my second favorite of all their flavors I've tried! The first is, hands down, the strawberry (but then, I'm a strawberry kind of girl). Fortunately for me they always have strawberry and plain yogurt on tap, and then an additional seasonal flavor. Other seasonal flavors have included banana, pomegranate, and pumpkin. I've liked them all, although I was totally wild about the pumpkin or the plain. I really think they need to come out with a blueberry yogurt, that would be so delicious!

As far as options go, it's not just cups of yogurt and toppings! They've got a selection of creative alternatives, such as the Saylor, which is basically a yogurt float with red creme soda. Every time we venture into yagoot I always say that I want to try the Saylor, but then I am always distracted by the loveliness that is their Whirled Famous Shake! Their shake consists of your yogurt of choice and then three toppings all blended together with just a tad of milk. I generally get strawberry yogurt (surprise, surprise!) with blueberries, bananas and cap'n crunch (or strawberries, depending on how I'm feeling that day)'s so freaking delicious! Mmmm, I want one right now!! I highly recommend you try one...or at the very least, check out Yagoot's website, and sign up for their promotions! But don't wait until a new flavor comes out to try Yagoot (if you haven't already)...GO NOW! Run! It's yummy deliciousness will be there, waiting for you!

**Update: I have now tried the Saylor! It was yummy, but I'm sticking with the Whirled Famous makes me swoon!

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