No, this was not a rigged giveaway. chose him fair and square, as you can tell from my handy dandy screenshot, which I did all by myself! I'm so proud!
Anywoo, Antoine will be receiving this handcrafted beauty of a book:
Anywoo, Antoine will be receiving this handcrafted beauty of a book:
Antoine is my biggest fan (and I happen to be his) so I couldn't have asked for a better person to win this giveaway! Thanks to all who participated...hopefully there will be even more of you next time around!
Oh, and in answer to my own question...I'd probably take a movie because I've probably lost my glasses in the process of getting stranded on said island. So I'd either take:
- Harold and Maude - my absolute favoritest movie EVER...good music (Cat Stevens), hippy-dippy storyline (80 year old lady and 20-some year old guy fall in love...cuter than it sounds), and crazy late-1960s outfits/hair!
- Grosse Point Blank - it's probably my most watched movie of in my movie collection. I love the 80's music! And I can't help but love the corny plot [and John Cusack...and that quirky Joan Cusack]. It'd be the perfect movie to tune in and out of while fashioning a raft or coconut bra!

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