So, a couple weeks ago one of the other closing girls, Sarah, at Sbux asked if we could switch shifts for this Saturday. I was scheduled to work pre-close (i.e. 1-9pm) and she was supposed to close (4-12:30am). Sure, what did I care!? I didn't have anything going on and actually it worked out better for me since Antoine was closing at his pt job as well that night! So we made the switch...
Fast forward to Wednesday (5/19). I get this strange email from some person from the Enquirer saying "Congratulations" and something about winning tickets to this "Event". Huh? What? I was so confused. First of all, contrary to what it said in the email I hadn't "registered" to win anything on Metromix or the Enquirer in the last 6 months or more! Secondly, what the heck was this "Event"?? Was this spam? But, my spam folder is pretty good at catching stuff! It looked fairly legit though. And in the email, the person mentioned that they had sent the tickets to me along with some additional information and to expect it shortly. Hmmm...
Perplexed, I decided to ignore this very random email and go about my business. Fast forward again for yesterday...I get home from work and find an envelope from the Enquirer person in our mailbox. Inside, I found another letter congratulating me on winning the tickets. Still confused, I focused my attention on the other piece of paper in the envelope...the one that explained "the Event". As I read the description of the event my jaw dropped further and further down to the ground. This "Event" was only the biggest event of the season and these tickets I had so mysteriously won were for early entrance into CAC's Shepard Fairey Event this Saturday (yes, that's right...THIS Saturday)!

These tickets, which went for $35 a pop, got you into the Event at 8pm when Shepard Fairey (aka the guy who created the Obama "Hope" poster)...

...would be signing autographs. Then at 9pm, the tickets allowed you to enjoy an exclusive DJ set by Shepard Fairey himself. All the while you're able to enjoy his exhibit at CAC, as well as a couple other exhibits going on.
I have never been more excited and let down at the same time! See, I don't win things...EVER! So winning something like this, when I didn't even register for it, is a big deal. But then, of course, the universe seems to need to keep things in check...while I won these awesome tickets to this Event I so desperately want to go to...I can't use them. You see, when Sarah asked me to switch shifts with her for Saturday, she was asking because she had tickets to the Event. And when she asked me she had already exhausted all her other options. This means, there is no one in the store that could/would cover me! And unfortunately, due to a ridiculous new policy, calling another store and getting someone outside our store to cover my shift would be out of the question, because then I wouldn't have 18hours this week. Stupid, I know! So here I am, with two free tickets to possibly one of the coolest events of the summer and I can't go! Do you see now why I think the universe is mocking me??
Well, at least it's Friday, right?
Oh, and here's some delighfully fabulous 80's music for you to enjoy on this fair Friday...inspired by the universe's attempt to bring me down! are a cruel, cruel mistress...but you gotta love those dance moves...I mean, come on!
P.S. The tickets have a new owner by the name of Mr. Boyles (aka my bro-in-law). Glad they'll get used/enjoyed!
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