First and foremost, put on your headphones or turn up your speakers and enjoy!
I've been in a strange mood lately. It's wavering between intense love and adoration and then moments of anger and frustration...all blended together with a little bit of exhaustion and a lot of laziness (sounds like I'm concocting some sort of weird margarita....mmm, a strawberry margarita sounds so I want one!). So in honor of my weirdo-ness I decided to provide you with a little Etsy strangeness. While perusing Etsy I noticed that they actually have a taxidermy section (under the "Everything Else" category). I may or may not have previously known about this, but's still kind of strange. The pretty, delicate butterflies behind glass aren't so weird or even the random cow skulls. No, I'm talking about a different type of oddity...

A horned duckling that for some reason reminds me of a viking! squirrel costs a whopping $1k!? Yeah...I have no words!

This supposedly "real" black unicorn can be yours for only $500!

This creepy piranha with large teeth and eyes that resemble those candy eyes is a steal for only $25.
Now, don't judge me too much but I think this one is freaking awesome...

I want this, it reminds me of Jurassic Park! Antoine, we should get this and then try to make dinosaurs! And now I totally want to watch Jurassic Park!
So...weird right? If you're looking for some freaky taxidermied thingamabob you know where to go. Also, there's a section under the "Everything Else" category called "Weird". Hmmm. Can it really get much weirder that this? I'm a little afraid to find out! Maybe I'll save that for another day, when I'm feeling a bit braver!
Were you with us when Michelle and I went to that furniture store in Gatlinburg? There were stuffed racoons, possums and squirrels in cowboy hats with holsters and paddling in canoes.
It was...odd. Very odd. And those things were freaking expensive too.
Oh yeah, I was there! I remember the noah's ark of stuffed woodland creatures!
I think this is even creepier (namely the horned duck and fish squirrel) because however inaccurate a raccoon wearing cammo is, it's still more believable than a freaky (and bloody) half fish-half squirrel. But I guess they're basically creating a new species...can you really put a price on that!? Hell, Darwin couldn't even do that shit!
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