So, it's not hard to see why Antoine and I have been wrapped up in all things Cheese related, what with training, teething, playing, cuddling, and vet visits. And with all this attention on Cheese it's understandable to place less focus on the cats. I mean, let's face it, cats are just easier! They're more independent, especially when they're not kittens anymore! Don't get me wrong, we're not neglecting our cats, but when they are upstairs trying to avoid the puppy that wants to lay on them there's less opportunity for kitty snuggling (here I am referring only to Guillermo, since neither Buddy or Missy are the cuddling type)! Frankly, I just haven't seen Gui as much as I usually do! He's usually always in my face, wanting to be pet and loved, but until last week he hasn't felt comfortable enough to walk around the house freely, what with the Cheese-man ready to pounce on him!
Now, things are finally getting back to normal! And I'm falling in love all over again with my sweet, adorable Guillermo! Man, I love that cat! He's just a big mound of furry love! He's finally back to following me around the house, keeping me company while I get ready in the morning, cuddling with me on the couch and talking to me in his weird little chirpy meow that he has...and I'm in heaven!
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