I hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day weekend! My parents came into town and stayed with us for a night, so Friday was plagued with mass amounts of cleaning. Saturday and Sunday there was a lot of shopping and eating going on. And then yesterday Antoine and I spent the whole day painting our bedroom! Yes, we recently decided to give our bedroom a facelift, since it was probably the only room in the house (besides the somewhat icky bathroom that will take mucho time and money to update) that hasn't had any TLC since we moved in almost a year ago! So we're going all out, we bought a new mattress, bedding, and painted the walls! Next we're going to get some new furniture for the room and do some massive picture hanging! Once it's complete I'll post some pictures so you can revel in it's beauty! Right now, it looks a little like a construction zone, with a pretty new color on the walls!
Moving on to more interesting things, I have a little Etsy-esque post for you! Now, you may or may not be aware of this super awesome webstore called
Mod Cloth! They have about the cutest things I've ever seen...with the exception of Cheese and Guillermo! Their clothes are ridiculously sweet and unfortunately made for tiny people, but they have tons of adorable jewelry and things for the "apartment".
Here's some cute finds that I recently stumbled across...

Believe me, if we had the wall space in our kitchen I would have already bought this adorable clock a long time ago!! Damned kitchen!

Hmm, I do kind of need new measuring cups, but can I justify getting these ones when they probably won't even fit in out drawer!? But they're so cute!

Now, how doesn't need ice that shaped like dinosaurs?!?
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