This past Friday Antoine and I made our way up to Pipkin's Fruit & Vegetable Market in Montgomery. Antoine had purchased a $20 gift certificate on groupon for only $10, so we decided to check it out! We bought lots of fruits and veggies and as we were getting ready to leave we passed the dairy case and I spotted this beautiful glass bottle of organic chocolate milk. Now, while I love all things dairy (i.e. cheese, yogurt, ice cream, cheesecake, cream cheese, frozen yogurt, etc) I'm not a fan of milk, in fact, when I eat cereal I will actually strain off excess milk on the side of the bowl before eating the cereal. So yeah, I'm not a fan (I get it from my mother)...that is, EXCEPT for chocolate milk! I love chocolate milk! It's like a special treat for me. So when I saw this Traderspoint Creamery organic chocolate milk made with dutch chocolate and looking like the richest, creamiest chocolate milk I'd ever seen my eyes went a little googly! Then I saw the $5 price tag I slowly backed away from the case. And then, in true gallant fashion (knowing that my heart had just skipped a beat at the sight of this glorious choc. milk), Antoine instructed me to "go ahead and get it! Why not?!" So we did! And we proceeded to consume the entire bottle as an after dinner snack/dessert. It's so decadent and rich, I can't even describe it's wonderfulness! Try it...ASAP! Your life will not be complete unless you do...it's that good!
Now I've got the hunger and it's all I can think about! Mmm, tasty chocolate crack...how you taunt me with your deliciousness! I'm seriously thinking a way to convince Antoine that we need to visit their farm sometime! They do offer tours where you can pet cows and goats and taste their delicious products! They're located just north of Indianapolis (where my best friend and her boyfriend just happens to live) in Zionsville, IN...I smell a trip to Indy/Zionsville in the not too distant future!
Now I've got the hunger and it's all I can think about! Mmm, tasty chocolate crack...how you taunt me with your deliciousness! I'm seriously thinking a way to convince Antoine that we need to visit their farm sometime! They do offer tours where you can pet cows and goats and taste their delicious products! They're located just north of Indianapolis (where my best friend and her boyfriend just happens to live) in Zionsville, IN...I smell a trip to Indy/Zionsville in the not too distant future!
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