So, once I saw the listing for the workshop I immediately begged Antoine to take the class with me! I thought it would be a fun little activity for us! He, of course, agreed. Then I told my boss that I was planning on attending and she suggested that I try to get the university to pay for it, as training (since we have all or most of the supplies to do paper marbling in our department, we just don't have the knowledge or instruction to do it!) And what do you know, my request was approved, so not only is the university paying for me to go to this class (from 9-4:30pm tomorrow), but they are also paying for my gas and mileage to get there...SWEET! And on top of that...I get a day off next week to make up for me "working" tomorrow! It just can't get any better!
Basically, Ann supplies all the paper, pigments, and tools, but she said we could bring any additional paper, broad, or cloth if we wanted to experiment! So Wednesday Antoine and I went to the fabric store to get various types of cloth to try out and then yesterday I raided our department's straps of paper and board to find things to experiment with! I'm so excited! It should be a really fun class! And I'll try to take some pictures and maybe even a video or two during the class! I'll report back to you guys on Monday or Tuesday! Hopefully I can produce something half as pretty as these...

Have a happy, safe weekend...and try not to melt!
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