The weekend was nice. It was great to be off from Sbux and to see family that I haven't seen in years! Best part of the weekend though, for me, was when my Dad finally got to meet Cheese. See, my Dad is a dog guy! He bred and raised Great Danes for almost my entire life and now he's got a completely spoiled miniature pinscher named Byron. when I told my Dad we got a Basset Hound puppy I knew he was going to be fact, he immediately started calling him "his grandson"! So, Friday night when Cheese bounded toward my Dad there was no question it was puppy love at first sight (Cheese has that affect on people). And just like a spoiling grandpa would Dad had a bag of toys waiting for Cheese...including a squeaky duck, a minty chew bone and a red rubber chew toy. Cheese adores the duck...I think it might be his new favorite!
Cheese also got to meet Byron, which he was both excited and nervous about, as Byron wasn't 100% into this new puppy up in his business! There was a minor squabble when Cheese tried to share Byron's food...but besides that it went fairly well! Maybe after a couple more visits they will be fast friends. Who knows. Cheese was on his best behavior and that's all I cared about!!

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