As you all's Monday! And I've got a case of the Monday blues somethin' fierce! I just can't seem to wake up this morning. I'll chalk it up to the rain and the fact that I was spoiled this weekend and got to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday! Monday, you are a cruel, cruel mistress! So I figured what better way to deal with the beginning of the work week (aka waking up before the sun) than a blue inspired Etsy post. Beware's a very random Etsy post today! Little bit classy, little bit funky and little bit weird...

Gorgeous peacock feather fascinator for $16

Adorable deer handbag is a little pricey at $66, but I'm sure it's worth it!

Fun build your own cover design Lego book for $37

Intriguing shampoo ball with a personalized scent called "monkey farts" for $9.50

Kick ass fairy cat cameo ring for only $12...I'm speechless!
I hope you enjoyed that! Happy Monday!
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