Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Update on Kindness and Karma Week...

So far my adventure into Kindness and Karma week hasn't been going very well. My attempt to focus on the good has been annihilated by a mounting pile of shitty occurrences. However minor the occurrences have been, the fact that it's all happened in the matter of six hours seems to be the root of the problem. First, I overslept this morning, then I freaked out on Antoine because he forgot to tell me we were out of bread for my lunch (and because I was running late and sleep deprived), then Buddy started throwing up, then some other random crap that I don't feel like divulging here occurred. It was not a pleasant morning, and as much as I wanted to wake up and embrace kindness and karma my emotions just weren't having it. Then, after a small breakdown of momentary tears (due to construction and an inability to find parking) in my car on the way to lunch I decided...this is stupid. I scolded myself, "who cares that things aren't going exactly as you want them to, you need to realize that you can't control everything (as much as you'd hate to admit that) and deal!" So, I decided to shake it off...

[Shake, shake, shake]

and have a nice relaxing/de-stressing lunch with Antoine! And that's just what I did. And then after our pizza at Balboa's we walked over to Bon Bonerie and I got a lemon square to put myself in an even better mood! Which totally worked! And now I'm trying to focus on breathing! All the things that have happened in the last six hours have been inconsequential and minute compared to all the wonderful things in my life! For instance, my inability to pack my usual PB&J sandwich for lunch allowed me to meet up with Antoine for pizza! We tried a new place and got to see each other before 11:30pm when we get home from work tonight! If we had had bread this morning that wouldn't have happened. So maybe I should just calm down and let things happen the way they're supposed to! I need to stop thinking that I can control everything...that's not healthy! But of course, pizza and lemon squares are healthy (duh!).

So, bare with me as I attempt to sit back and breathe! It's harder than I thought it would be. If you don't believe me, go ahead and try it yourself!

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