Anyway, this weekend...Cheese-man I were buddies for sure! I had an easy weekend at Sbux, only 6 hours in the early morning on Sunday, but unfortunately Antoine had to work most of the weekend at his part-time. But this allowed Cheesy and I to enjoy some quality bonding time, just the two of us! So, while Antoine was at work on Saturday Cheesy and I went to the dog park for a bit. It was my first time taking him by myself. Now, I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but for me...it kind of is! The dog park is a semi-social place...aka not my kind of thing when I'm solo! But sacrifice is part of being a puppy parent, right? Things went well at the dog park, Cheese ran and tumbled with his puppy pals and had a good ole time! And of course, in the process he got all kinds of muddy and gross! Thankfully I put a blanket down in my backseat because by the time we got home it was covered in mud...
Following a 15 minute bath, where Cheese got mostly clean...it was time to cuddle! And cuddle we did, for the rest of the weekend...it was pretty awesome!
Cheese is adorable, as always! I totally forgot about Special Buddies. I definitely need to rewatch Rob & Big!
How could you forget Special Buddies!? It's astonishing how often I have that tune stuck in my head!
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