Saturday I was lazy, lazy, lazy! I snuggled up on the couch with my dear little Cheese and watched movies in my was AMAZING!! I watched Chloe, with Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried. Not totally what I was expecting, but good nonetheless! Then I watched, yet again, Julie and Julia. Even though I find Amy Adams completely annoying in it and I can't stand her haircut...I adore Meryl Streep as Julia Childs! It's fantastic! Then I started watching Greenberg, but fell asleep. It was kind of boring, but the reason I fell asleep was 100% Cheese-man related...since he woke me up at 5am that morning and I never went back to sleep! Then after my little nap with Cheese, Antoine got home from his part time job and then it was time for me to get ready for Sbux. By the way, I hate days when we have opposite sucks! But when I came home from Sbux I found this...
Sunday morning Antoine made breakfast...bacon, egg and cheese biscuits!
Then we went on a whirlwind adventure of running errands that we've been meaning to do for weeks! Then we came home...overheated...and did some stuff around the house and enjoyed a yummy steak dinner! All in all, it was an excellent weekend, even though it went way too fast! Anyway, here's a couple more pictures I snapped this weekend....
Awe, such a sad little face! But don't be fooled, he always looks like this, even when he's wagging his tail and playing!
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