About ten months ago Antoine and I, having just recently bought our first house, decided to adopt this adorable little kitten I found on petfinder.com. His name was Gordon, he was oh so fluffy and I immediately fell in love with him. I wasn't having the name Gordon (really, who names a cat Gordon?) so we decided to call him Guillermo (I know, you're thinking "who names a cat Guillermo!?" Me, that's who!) or Gui, pronounce like "Gee", for short.
Guillermo immediately became our little baby kitty! We adored him (and still do). He would follow us around the house, fake meowing because when he was little he couldn't meow so he'd open his mouth and nothing would come out!. It was incredibly cute! We decided that he was probably born in mid-July, so we declared that July 14th was his birthday...a week before Antoine's birthday and a week after my friend Amanda's cat's birthday (she also a crazy cat lady). So, today is his first birthday...and in that year he has grown so freaking much! Here's what he looked like when he was about 3 months old...

Now he is a big mammoth of a cat! All fur and chub with stubby legs! And ever so clumsy!
1 comment:
Happy birthday, Gui! I hope yours is better than Lucy's in which we left her alone all day, then were too tired to do much but give her some treats when we got home. :(
-Amanda (who has momentarily forgotten username/password and so must sign in anonymously)
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